2022 GIPS Teachers Survey Results
In October 2022, Chaperone asked GIPS educators to weigh in on tough topics about the state of the school system. They were given 72 hours to complete the anonymous survey, and over 200 teachers responded.
Please note that this data does not reflect the current sentiments of GIPS teachers.
Teacher Survey
211 responses
How many years have you worked as a teacher in Grand Island Public Schools (GIPS?)
210 out of 211 answered
Overall teacher morale
211 out of 211 answered
The current district curriculum choice and implementation
210 out of 211 answered
The job performance of the GIPS Board of Education
210 out of 211 answered
The job performance of the GIPS Superintendent
211 out of 211 answered
The performance of district administration
210 out of 211 answered
Support from the community
210 out of 211 answered
Support from parents
211 out of 211 answered
Your overall job satisfaction
210 out of 211 answered
The superintendent has been honest when publicly discussing the staffing issues that GIPS faces.
211 out of 211 answered
The district administration makes me and other teachers feel appreciated.
211 out of 211 answered
The Superintendent is a strong and positive leader.
211 out of 211 answered
The Assistant Superintendent is a strong advocate for teachers.
211 out of 211 answered
The GIPS Board of Education leadership has been honest when publicly discussing the staffing issues that GIPS faces.
211 out of 211 answered
The Board of Education does a good job of engaging with teachers and inviting their input.
209 out of 211 answered
I am fearful of retribution for speaking up about challenges the district faces or district decisions I disagree with.
211 out of 211 answered
I believe that verbal and physical abuse of teachers, by students, is a problem within the district.
211 out of 211 answered
I feel supported by the administration when dealing with difficult student behavior.
209 out of 211 answered
I feel trusted by the district administration to independently lead classroom lessons and create teachable moments
210 out of 211 answered
I believe GIPS has rigorous academic and grading standards at all grade levels throughout the district.
211 out of 211 answered
GIPS is a better place to work now than when I first started.
211 out of 211 answered
I feel that the Kneale Building Administration team is transparent and honest with our teachers.
210 out of 211 answered
I believe graduation rates are an adequate measure of the overall success of the district.
210 out of 211 answered
Over the past year, I have considered leaving my employment at GIPS.
210 out of 211 answered
I would recommend employment at GIPS to a colleague.
206 out of 211 answered
I would feel comfortable being as honest and open as I have been in this anonymous survey as I would in a public forum.
211 out of 211 answered
Teacher Voices
The purpose of this October 2022 survey was to give teachers a voice. Half of the 200+ respondents had more to say.
Please note that these comments do not reflect the current sentiments of GIPS teachers.
Steps our endorsed board members have taken include:
Hiring an interim superintendent, and, after seeing his professionalism, knowledge, and expertise in the role, promoting him to superintendent. As a result, the Board felt comfortable reducing their influence to allow him to manage his plant and people.
Reducing the number of committees from 25 to 6.
Overseeing the cutting of $5 million from the budget, beginning with Administration.
Beginning to ask harder questions of the District Leadership Team, which resulted in the delay of a reorganization of the middle schools that could have been problematic.
Reducing Board exposure in the media.
Reducing Board exposure at the District Leadership Team level.
Choosing to put the Board in an advisory role for strategic planning as opposed to including the board in strategic planning.
Holding Board members accountable for unprofessionalism.
Actively attempting to sell superfluous GIPS properties.
What are we doing about it?
Chaperone endorsed three GIPS Board of Education candidates for the 2022 election. These candidates vowed to see the betterment of GIPS and, furthermore, the community. Since their election to the Board of Education, each of them have worked together with the rest of the Board to change the trajectory of the GIPS systems and better support our students and educators.
Though we have taken great steps toward the betterment of GIPS, there is still so much more to do. To continue working towards improving our school system, Chaperone has endorsed four candidates for the November 5, 2024 election.
What can you do? Vote.
Help us continue to improve the trajectory of GIPS by voting for Chaperone-endorsed candidates Donna Douglass, Dave Hulinsky, Tracy Goodman, and John McHargue on November 5.